The Legends of Wonder Woman, by Renae De Liz and Ray Dillon, will follow Diana’s beginnings as Wonder Woman—but will predominantly focus on her life as a young woman growing up on the Amazon’s home island, Themiscyra, cut off from the outside world. The comic will be much like the series it replaces, appearing digitally first exclusively before heading to print in collections. However, unlike Sensation Comics, Legends already has a set end date: the series will last just 9 issues.
De Liz is best known for her work with Womanthology, an anthology series featuring female protagonists written by female creatives, so the thought of her working on Wonder Woman, is an absolute delight. But man, it doesn’t quite take the sting out of losing Sensation Comics at the end of the year. At least there’ll be more Wonder Woman stories taking its place.
The Legends of Wonder Woman begins in November, with the physical copies hitting shelves in January 2016.
[Via CBR]