Not only does Captain America: Civil War tell the story of Captain America, his pal Bucky, and how the Avengers are split over government control, it introduces two major new heroes. There’s Spider-Man, of course, and Black Panther. And the latter is already being shaped by his very own filmmaker.
Marvel announced
“Ryan came in and watched the movie,” Marvel Studios President and Civil War producer Kevin Feige told io9. “We did a little bit of additional photography here and there and Ryan did a pass at a couple of those scenes. So there’s a line or two that Panther says in the movie that Ryan contributed to. [Civil War screenwriters] Chris [Markus] and Steve [McFeely] absorbed it into their draft, put their spin on it and words to it, but Ryan has started to be involved in earlier cuts of this movie.”
Black Panther, starring Chadwick Boseman and directed by Coogler, hits theaters February 16, 2018. He’ll debut in Captain America: Civil War on May 6.