Spoiler alert. Spoiler freaking alert. If you somehow managed to exist on this very Earth without knowing that there are twist endings in films such as Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back and Fight Club and Planet of the Apes, um, now you know. Here is what CineFix considers 10 of the best twists in movie history. They do a good job in breaking down the type of twist and listing other films that have used the same trick.
The list:
- Location / Time Trick - Planet of the Apes
- All a Part of the Plan - The Sting
- Unexpectedly Bad / Guilty - Murder on the Orient Express
- Unexpectedly Good - Charade
- It Was All a Dream - Wizard of Oz
- All In Their Head - Fight Club
- Not Dead - The Third Man
- Other - F for Fake
- Mistaken Identity - Empire Strikes Back
- X Is Actually Y! - Psycho