The silly mystery on “Sweet Kicks” concerned dueling street artists, a shooting at a fashion show, and posturing gangsters. But the episode was mostly notable for all the ways Maze made it great: plotting, kicking many butts, and finally—revealing what’s beneath her earthly disguise.
Spoiler below, duh.
Yup, just like the comics—there’s her half-misshapen face, only glimpsed when she wants us to see it (much like Lucifer does with his own demonic visage).
That was a great Maze moment, and obviously a huge reveal for Lucifer. But the best part of the episode is when she meets Amenadiel in the coffee shop (har har, “Beelzebean”) to complain about Lucifer. The barista interprets “Mazikeen” as “Mike” when she writes it on her cup, and Maze casually observes that coffee shops are her favorite place in Los Angeles…because they’re full of people working on screenplays, “torturing themselves with dreams they know deep down they will never achieve.”
Ah, yes. “Reminds me of home!”