A brand new Star Wars animated series is coming to TV. Lego Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures, a full-fledged show blending the humor of the Lego brand and, well, Star Wars, is set to premiere sometime this summer on Disney XD.
The show will follow a family named the Freemakers, who (somewhat predictably) build and sell ships from salvaged parts across the galaxy (they’re Lego characters, after all). Then one of their sons encounters an ancient artifact called a “Kyber Saber,” discovers he has a sensitivity to the Force, and the family’s adventures begin. The Freemakers “are thrown into an epic struggle against the Empire to restore peace and freedom to the galaxy.”
If you’re wondering whether The Freemaker Adventures will include actual characters from the movies, or when it takes place, the official art answers both of those questions:
The inclusion of Darth Vader and the Emperor makes it seem very, very likely this show takes place in the same time frame as Star Wars Rebels, between Episodes III and IV—that is, if the show is canon at all. Being that the characters are Legos, there’s a strong possibility the show has nothing to do with the larger Star Wars story. Neither Lucasfilm nor Disney would confirm that as of press time, but other Lego Star Wars shows on Disney don’t play a role in the canon. They’re just fun.
Update: As expected one of the show’s producers confirmed, the show is “in continuity with the canon, but not canon.”
Nevertheless, any new Star Wars story on television is a good thing. If nothing else, it sounds better than Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure.