One of, if not the, biggest anniversaries in pop culture this year is the 50th anniversary of Star Trek. A new TV show is in the works, a new film is being released, and now there’s official news of a massive, three-day convention coming to New York.
It’s called Star Trek: Mission New York and will take place from September 2-4 at the Javits Center in New York, New York. Info on tickets, hotels and all that convention goodness is coming soon at the official Star Trek Missions site.
“Star Trek: Mission New York will be a completely unique fan event unlike anything seen before,” said Lance Fensterman, Global Senior Vice President of ReedPOP. “[It’ll give] them the chance to go beyond panels and autograph signings, and immerse themselves in the Star Trek universe.”
ReepPOP, who organized New York Comic-Con, promises “interactive exhibits, exclusive merchandise, celebrity guests, panels, screenings and much more.” It sounds like something all Trek fans should keep an eye on but, if you can’t attend, I have a sneaking suspicion we’ll have some coverage.
And if you want to know about more 50th anniversary Star Trek events, head over to USA Today.